U13 Blue
Sun 21 Apr 2024
Marle Place Wanderers
U13 Blue
Sevenoaks Fireball
MPW Blue Almost Get 7 Past Sevenoaks

MPW Blue Almost Get 7 Past Sevenoaks

Shawn Connors22 Apr - 18:44
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A very important 3 points to move the Blue closer to 1st place.

The Blue has to hit the road again as we had to reverse another fixture and we started strong. Very strong.
Our first three goals came from smart heads up play from throwins. Lots of talking and pointing helped the ball end up in the back of the net. Throw in a cool as you like penalty and it was 4 - 0 at half-time and we were on our way.
In the second half we buried two more and they clawed one back but it was not enough and Blue came out victorious.
Our team talk was nothing but praise from us coaches and that no matter what happened we could not be prouder.
The Blue have come a long way and we are now nearly at the end of something great.
Sunday we play the league leaders for first place.
Let's Go Blue!!

Match details

Match date

Sun 21 Apr 2024


Team overview
Further reading

Team Sponsors

Shirt Sponsor - Tiny Box
Training jacket sponsor - Obsessed with cars